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Air Mancur’s Strategy Targets the Millennial Market

This is Air Mancur’s strategy in attracting millennials to love herbal medicine.



This is Air Mancur’s strategy in attracting millennials to love herbal medicine.

Jakarta, TechnoBusiness ID (English Edition) One of the products being hunted during the pandemic is herbal medicine. Many people drink herbal medicine to avoid the transmission of COVID-19, in addition to routinely maintaining health.

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However, that is not the case for millennials. Until now, millennials prefer to drink coffee and consider herbal medicine to be “a village drink”.

The bitter taste, unpleasant aroma, and impractical presentation add to the list of reasons why herbal medicine is avoided by teenagers.


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Therefore, as one of the leading herbal medicine manufacturers in the country, Air Mancur wants to change that impression by implementing a number of strategies.

Air Mancur’s strategy, the first, is to create a campaign “It’s Time for Herbal Medicine to Return to Glory” in line with the commemoration of National Herbal Medicine Day on 27 May through digital platforms.

Damayanti, Marketing Manager of Air Mancur, revealed that the campaign using the digital platform was like talk shows and workshops through the Live Instagram channel.

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“In addition, there is also an Instagram contest with the challenge of making a cosplay video as a herbal medicine seller,” he said. “Hopefully, communication through online content can increase awareness of the younger generation.”

Air Mancur’s next strategy is to collaborate with herbal medicine depots, mobile herbal traders, and herbal cafes in Jakarta to increase product awareness and invite the younger generation to drink herbal medicine.

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To strengthen the Air Mancur’s strategies, the company, which has been owned by Combiphar since 2019, has also partnered with a young celebrity Karen Nijsen to become an influencer for her generation.

In the future, Damayanti said, the Air Mancur’s strategy will continue to be directed at increasing public knowledge and interest, especially the younger generation, towards herbal medicine so that the nutritious drink will be victorious again.


—Purjono Agus Suhendro, TechnoBusiness ID Photo: Air Mancur

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