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Keep Purity, Madurasa Packed with Advanced Technology

Madurasa uses advanced technology to manufacture and package its products.



Madurasa uses advanced technology to manufacture and package its products.

Jakarta, TechnoBusiness ID (English Edition) Instead of decreasing, the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is increasingly rampant. In the last few days, the number of cases has increased 3-4 times than before.

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The Ministry of Health said that as of Thursday (1/7) there were 24,836 new cases, bringing the total to 2,203,108 people who were confirmed positive. Because of this, many places, especially in Java and Bali, have been declared red zones.

The high number of COVID-19 cases makes many people worried. Various efforts were made, including taking vitamins and supplements to increase endurance.


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The demand for honey is increasing rapidly. This condition is used by PT Madurasa Unggulan Nusantara, a subsidiary of Air Mancur Group which produces Madurasa, to educate the market.

According to Bambang Priyambodo, General Manager of Manufacturing at Madurasa, a company that has been owned by Combiphar since 2019, education is important because of the large number of fake honey circulating in the market.

As a pioneer of packaged honey founded in 1984, Madurasa also feels the need to convey that all product variants use real honey that is packaged in a modern way.

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The Madurasa product variants include Madurasa Pure, Madurasa Premium (containing Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen), Madurasa Dates, Madurasa Original, and Madurasa Lime.

During a visit entitled “Bee Farm Tour” to the fostered bee farms in Sragen and the Madurasa factory in Wonogiri last April, it was explained that these products are packaged using advanced international standard technology.

In this way, pure honey that has been harvested is brought to the factory for processing and packaging. In the production stage, said Bambang, Madurasa still maintains its quality and purity.

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“Madurasa’s products are in accordance with Indonesian National Standards, International ISO 9001 [Quality Management], and ISO 220000 [Food Safety],” said Bambang.


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In addition, Madurasa has also implemented Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Processed Food Production Methods, as well as using low-temperature processing to maintain the color, taste, quality, and purity of honey.

—Purjono Agus Suhendro, TechnoBusiness ID Photo: Madurasa

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