Grundfos and BBP agreed to reduce the energy consumption of cooling systems in Southeast Asia.
ICS Compute berhasil meraih penghargaan AWS Consulting Partner of the Year 2021 dari AWS.
ICS Compute won the AWS Consulting Partner of the Year 2021 award from AWS.
Salah satu marketplace terbesar global eBay menjual 125 juta sahamnya di Adevinta.
One of the largest global marketplaces eBay has sold its 125 million stakes in Adevinta.
Chef terkenal Gordon Ramsay akan membangun restoran Hell’s Kitchen terbesar saat ini.
Grup Modalku berhasil menyalurkan pinjaman kepada UMKM se-Asia Tenggara senilai Rp24,6 triliun.
The Modalku Group disburses loans to MSMEs throughout Southeast Asia worth Rp24.6 trillion.
Gredu meraih pendanaan seri A sesnilai US$4 juta dari Intudo Ventures dan Vertex Ventures.
Gredu received US$4 million series A funding from Intudo Ventures and Vertex Ventures.