Hyundai Motor Group uji coba robot pengiriman otonom di dalam hotel hingga kompleks perumahan.
Indayati Oetomo, International Director John Robert Powers, menceritakan motivasinya mengembangkan sekolah pengembangan kepribadian, nasihat terbaik yang pernah ia terima, pilihan sulit yang beberapa kali ia hadapi,...
Oleh Idin Virgi Sabilah, Konsultan Spire Research and Consulting
ICS Compute berhasil meraih predikat DevOps Competency dari AWS.
Oleh Izdihara Nur Khalisha, Konsultan Spire Research and Consulting
MMA Global Indonesia sukses menggelar MMA Impact Indonesia 2022 pada pertengahan November lalu.
Voice of Payment, a payment innovation that brings autonomy and convenience to the visually impaired, from Thales.
SpeakIn has announced a fresh infusion of capital to accelerate its SaaS platform and global expansion.
CEO Huawei Indonesia Jacky Chen memaparkan peran teknologi digital dalam mewujudkan emisi nol karbon.
Sephora reaffirms its commitment to sustainability, diversity, equity, inclusion, and in giving back to the community it operates in.