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Fight Esports from Forest Interactive Teams up with TikTok

Fight Esports under Forest Interactive in collaboration with TikTok Indonesia. What for?



Fight Esports under Forest Interactive in collaboration with TikTok Indonesia. What for?

Jakarta, TechnoBusiness ID (English Edition) Fight Esports, an esports line from Forest Interactive, a global telecommunications platform provider from Malaysia, collaborates with the short music video platform TikTok.

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With an agreement with TikTok Indonesia signed on Friday (16/7), Fight Esports makes it possible to promote esports through content on TikTok during June-October.

In addition to live broadcasts on TikTok via the @fightesportsid account, Fight Esports and TikTok also promote the TikTok | Fight Campus Legend with the #samasamamain campaign.


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“We want to provide a platform for gamers to practice their skills and be able to build relationships with the wider esports community,” said Vita Paulina, Operation and Marketing Manager of Forest Interactive.

The collaboration between Fight Esports and TikTok is also beneficial for the Indonesian esports community because it can connect virtually through the TikTok livestream | Fight Campus Legend.

Angga Anugrah Putra, Head of Operations TikTok Indonesia, explained that currently Fight Campus Legend has entered the 11th and 12th qualifying stages, followed by 320 teams from all over Indonesia.

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The participants will compete for prizes of Rp. 15 million for the first winner, Rp. 12 million for the second place, and Rp. 10 million for the third winner. They will also get millions of reward points from Wallet Codes.

—Purjono Agus Suhendro, TechnoBusiness ID Photo: Fight Esports

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