TechnoBusiness Star
Erick Hadi Talked About Hard Choice in His Life and Career

Erick Hadi, CEO of eScience, tells of his hard choices to TechnoBusiness TV recently.
TechnoBusiness Star ● In pursuing a career, no matter how successful, someone must have experienced a dilemma. If you choose A there are consequences, if you choose B there are consequences. It’s really a hard choice. Especially our position as a company leader.
Erick Hadi, former Managing Director of Rittal Indonesia who currently serves as CEO of Electronics Science Indonesia (eScience), an innovative company behind the practice of digital transformation of companies, tells of his hard choices to TechnoBusiness TV recently. See the story.●
TechnoBusiness Star ● Dalam meniti karier, sesukses apa pun, pasti pernah mengalami dilema. Jika memilih A ada konsekuensinya, jika memilih B ada konsekuensinya. Benar-benar sebuah pilihan sulit. Apalagi posisi kita sebagai pemimpin perusahaan.
Erick Hadi, mantan Managing Director Rittal Indonesia yang kini menjabat sebagai CEO Electronics Science Indonesia (eScience), perusahaan inovatif di balik praktik transformasi digital perusahaan-perusahaan, menceritakan pilihan sulitnya kepada TechnoBusiness TV belum lama ini. Simak ceritanya.●
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