Oleh Purjono Agus Suhendro CEO Pas Corp Editor in Chief TechnoBusiness Media ●●● Tentu saja kita belum tahu berapa nilai transaksi yang dibukukan oleh pemain-pemain e-commerce...
Oleh Jeffrey Bahar | Group Deputy CEO Spire Research and Consulting ●●● Selama September lalu, saya terbang ke tiga kota: Balikpapan, Batam, dan Surabaya. Di tiga kota...
Oleh Purjono Agus Suhendro, CEO & Editor in Chief TechnoBusiness Media ●●● Saya masih menikmati enaknya aneka menu sarapan sambil memandangi kemegahan Menara Kembar Petronas...
Oleh Tony Seno Hartono National Technology Officer Microsoft Indonesia Insiden keamanan siber tengah membatasi kemampuan setiap organisasi di Indonesia untuk memanfaatkan peluang-peluang di era ekonomi digital...
By Aadil Zaman and Syed Nishat Senior Vice President of Wall Street Alliance Group The recent stock market fluctuation made the headlines partly because we...
By Lauren Kindzierski Vice President of Solutions and Capabilities Hinduja Global Solutions The customer service industry will experience the biggest digital shift yet in...
By Jason Edelboim President of Cision Americas As social media becomes woven into the workflow of communications professionals, it can feel daunting to understand what...
by David Blatt CEO CapStack Partners It seems that for the past few Januarys, the capital markets had a doomsday prediction for the year ahead. Not long...
Oleh Ari Nugrahanto Founder dan CEO Kelola Digital Inc. Selalu menjadi pertanyaan setiap pelaku bisnis yang sudah menjalankan berbagai macam strategi pemasaran digital. Apa sih...
by Sheji Ho Chief Marketing Officer of aCommerce Group Alibaba’s entry into Southeast Asia served as social proof for many entrepreneurs and businesses that they...