English Edition
Evermos Targets Empowering 1 Million Resellers in 5 Years
Evermos targets to empower up to 1 million resellers in the next five years.

Evermos targets to empower up to 1 million resellers in the country in the next five years.
Jakarta, TechnoBusiness ID • Evermos, an economic empowerment platform through a reseller system from Bandung, targets to empower 1 million resellers in the next five years.
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By attracting as many resellers as possible, Evermos is determined to build a profitable mutual cooperation economy, both for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), resellers, and consumers.
“With the mutual cooperation economic platform, Evermos can build a new economic system that is more equal, inclusive, and cohesive,” said Ghufron Mustaqim, co-founder of Evermos, in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/6).
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Although the target seems ambitious, because currently it only has 75,000 active resellers spread across 504 cities/districts throughout Indonesia, Evermos is optimistic that it can achieve it.
To achieve this target, Evermos, which has collaborated with 500 local brands, continues to open up opportunities for anyone, especially housewives, to become its resellers.
Over the past 1.5 years, Evermos has also spent 12,000 hours training the resellers who have joined. As a result, said Ghufron, 20% of Evermos resellers can earn Rp2.5 million per month.
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Even so, Nuruddin Al Fithroh, Chief of Reseller Experience at Evermos, does not deny that expanding Evermos’ social impact is not easy. “We always think about how Evermos can empower 1 million resellers with income above the regional minimum wage average,” he said.
As a potential socio-commerce platform, Evermos, which was founded by Arip Tirta, Ghufron Mustaqim, Iqbal Muslimin, and Ilham Taufiq on November 1, 2018, has also received series A funding.
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The funding worth US$8.25 million was obtained by Evermos from Shunwei Capital and Alpha JWC Ventures led by Jungle Ventures in December 2019.
Karissa Adelaide, Investment Associate of Jungle Ventures, said that Evermos has a huge market potential, strong founders and an attractive business model. “That’s why we invested in Evermos,” he said.•
—Purjono Agus Suhendro, TechnoBusiness ID • Photo: Evermos
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