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Accenture Interactive Acquires Entropia from Malaysia



Accenture Interactive acquired Malaysian multinational advertising agency Entropia. What is the purpose?

Kuala Lumpur, TechnoBusiness MY (English Edition) • Accenture (NYSE: ACN), an Irish global digital, cloud and security services company, through its line of business, Accenture Interactive, acquired Entropia.

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Entropia is the fastest growing advertising agency in the world from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, according to Adweek. Unfortunately, the announcement did not mention the value of the acquisition.

Entropia, which was founded in 2016 with 210 employees, was acquired because it was considered capable of supporting Accenture Interactive’s experience-led transformation services. [the_ad id=”13590″]


Also, it will increase the number of talent for Accenture Interactive and present various growth opportunities in Southeast Asia. But, in essence, the acquisition is to realize Accenture Interactive’s global vision.

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According to Flaviano Faleiro, President of Market Growth for Accenture Interactive, the company’s vision is to take various immersive experiences of human behavior supported by technology and creativity to the next level. [the_ad id=”13590″]

“Entropia helps us deliver innovation through technology to drive business and client growth in Southeast Asia,” said Thomas Mouritzen, Lead of Accenture Interactive Southeast Asia, added.

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Currently, Entropia has clients such as BMW, Nespresso, KFC, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Telekom Malaysia, and Lazada. With BMW, for example, Entropia created a showroom with augmented reality (AR) technology for the launch of the BMW X5. [the_ad id=”13590″]

Prashant Kumar, founder and senior partner at Entropia, said Entropia’s entry into Accenture Interactive came at the right time. “We want to improve data-based marketing services,” he said.•

—Mod. Fateh, TechnoBusiness MY • Editor: Purjono Agus Suhendro • Photo: Entropia

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